At the time of this posting January 2023 Anthony "Amp" Elmore just made his 70th birthday. The above picture is the earliest video of Elmore recorded in 1980 by channel 5 News in Memphis. Elmore is best known in Memphis as the "Five Time World Karate/Kickboxing Champion." Elmore retired from Professional Karate/Kickboxing in the year 2000, Elmore won his 1st Karate/Kickboxing world Heavyweight titled in Memphis on May 29, 1982. Elmore was Known as the "Muhammad Ali" of Kickboxing." While Elmore pattern himself after Muhammad Ali Elmore shares a distinction with Muhammad Ali of being the only Karate/Kickboxing World Champion who has his own Auto-biographical film. Elmore was inspired by the 1986 Spike Lee film titled "She's Gotta Have it" decided that his story has value whereas Elmore took a typing and English and wrote a movie script. Elmore mortgaged his home to fund his movie project and in November of 1987 Elmore began film production of his film titled "The Contemporary Gladiator." ![]() While Elmore is a five time Memphis born World Karate/Kickboxing Champion who won his 1st World titled in Memphis, Tennessee in 1982 at the time of this writing 42 years ago Elmore is still facing Memphis White Supremacy, Racism and Black on Black racism. While Elmore has the record of being Memphis 1st Independent Feature filmmaker, filmmaking is better known as White endeavor and for Elmore to be listed as Memphis 1st Independent filmmaker challenges Memphis White Supremacy and racism. Elmore has never been acknowledged as Memphis Independent feature filmmaker. Unknown and untold is the fact that Elmore's 1988 feature film release titled "The Contemporary Gladiator is the 1st Kickboxing film made in American film history. Elmore film premired in Nairobi, Kenya and 1990 whereas Elmore formally introduced Kickboxing to Africa. ![]() Elmore's 1990 trip to Kenya would change his life in that Elmore met his African Ancestors whereas Elmore dedicated his life to bringing African/Americans and Africans together. Please click on the picture below to learn about "The Safari Initiative" created by Elmore.